Thursday, 14 April 2016

Oh... what a feeling.....

So it was time to try and get the ceiling in. This wasn't to hard of a job, the only hard bit was getting around the rooflight. This proved quite tricky!

I cut all the cladding to size, making sure each of the joins lined up with the roof battens each side.
I then marked, drilled and counter sunk all the screw holes.
The starting from the left side of the roof light, I fitted the first batten as straight as I possibly could and went from there. I cut 2 very fiddly bits out to fit around the rooflight, I had to do this with a jigsaw, which with the cladding being very thin, proved rather difficult!!

Here's where I got to:

I then fit a couple more pieces of cladding on each side, up to where the cupboards are going to be. 
Then the entire ceiling was sealed with a single coat of danish oil.


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