I'm not going to go into great detail about it all because I can't be bothered! The two CTEK units basically run everything. The solar, alternator and battery charger, all go through these. This means my leisure batteries are constantly being charged, one way or another.
I decided to put my main electrical board behind my drivers seat, out of the way. I started work on the layout of the board.
I decided to put my main electrical board behind my drivers seat, out of the way. I started work on the layout of the board.
Had to move a few things around as I had forgotten about the battery monitor shunt.
Fitted everything in place and began wiring it all in
Closer look at the wiring
I still need to connect the solar cable and the van battery. Although the cables have been routed.
Here's what's behind the wall:
This is a view from the floor at the back of the fridge/cupboard. You can see all the wiring and shut off switch. It's also been done like this for ventilation for the fridge.
Finally, I added the front of the cupboard and test fitted my guitar:
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