Wednesday, 8 June 2016

More kitchen..

Fitted the overhead cupboard doors today and blanked off the end. I was going to have a separating wall between the passenger side seat and the kitchen but I quite like the openness.

Managed to get the tap fitted properly also, had to cut out a bit of the frame in order for the tails to fit properly.

Also fitted the other cupboard door, I just need to get catches for all of these now, so they stay in place.

I have fitted the water filler pipe and breather and also secured the water inlet to the back of the kitchen. Final job was to start work on the gas locker. I started off by fitting a securing block to the floor so the gas bottle wouldn't move about. I will also strap it in about half way up as well.
I then set about cutting the whole for the gas drop out. This will also have the gas filler pipe going through it. Was a bit of a nightmare with a battery powered drill, as it did not want to go through the metal! Took 2 batteries worth but got there in the end. I then filed the metal edges and painted them to avoid rust. Will fit the gas drop out tomorrow..


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