Sunday, 26 June 2016

The Vinyl..

Had man flu, hayfever and stag do recently, plus awful weather, so it's slowed me down somewhat. Here are a few updates..

Started adding the Vinyl to make it look nice:

Installed the table leg system and test fitted etc:

This was a ball ache!! Fitted all but one of the cupboard doors and their catches. Undecided on whether to have handles yet. Also managed to carpet inside the back 4:

After buying a marble vinyl, fitting it and quickly realising it looked awful (Kim did say it would), I bought some wood effect stuff and fitted it. Happy with this one! Once the vinyl was on, I fitted the hob and the sink in place. The hob was easy, the sink was a complete nightmare. Crappy way of fitting it! Today I have added iron on edging to the worktop and it looks loads better than in this pic but I forgot to take a picture!

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

More kitchen..

Fitted the overhead cupboard doors today and blanked off the end. I was going to have a separating wall between the passenger side seat and the kitchen but I quite like the openness.

Managed to get the tap fitted properly also, had to cut out a bit of the frame in order for the tails to fit properly.

Also fitted the other cupboard door, I just need to get catches for all of these now, so they stay in place.

I have fitted the water filler pipe and breather and also secured the water inlet to the back of the kitchen. Final job was to start work on the gas locker. I started off by fitting a securing block to the floor so the gas bottle wouldn't move about. I will also strap it in about half way up as well.
I then set about cutting the whole for the gas drop out. This will also have the gas filler pipe going through it. Was a bit of a nightmare with a battery powered drill, as it did not want to go through the metal! Took 2 batteries worth but got there in the end. I then filed the metal edges and painted them to avoid rust. Will fit the gas drop out tomorrow..

Monday, 6 June 2016


I've been plugging away trying to get the kitchen sorted. I've order all the Gas stuff, which amazingly arrived the next morning, ridiculously good service from GASIT.
I've blanked off some of the shelf spaces and added a couple more shelves etc.
I then made the two kitchen doors using the same technique as the overhead cupboard doors. Basically creating a frame using butt joints and then gluing/screwing cladding to the rear in order for it to slot into the door space. I really like the look of these doors and I have become a bit of a dab hand at making them now!

They aren't actually fitted there, just carefully balanced in order to see what the looked like! I then got my chief varnisher to rub them through with danish oil (thanks Kim).
Whilst Kim was busy doing that, I started work on the drawer system. It was pretty awkward as I had to do it all "in situ". I basically fitted a shelf, making sure it was as level as possible. I then built the drawer using four bits of wide softwood and glueing them and screwing it all together. Again this was just simple butt joints, I just had to make sure the cuts were as square as possible. Once those had dried, I added a ply bottom, by gluing and screwing into the drawer frame.
This was then placed into the drawer hole and onto the shelf I'd built and I very carefully marked out where the bottom runners would need to be. I fitted the runners and also added a small bit of wood on one side to act as a stopper, so the drawer wouldn't fully come out.

I then set about making the front frame for the drawer, this again was the same technique as the rest. The hard part here was screwing the front frame in from inside the drawer, as I didn't want the screws to be seen:

Finally, I added a top runner on the stopper side in order to stop the drawer flopping down when pulled out.

The next job was to cut the counter top to size and then cut out the holes for the sink and hob. I had already measured the counter top size, so had it cut very close at the wood yard out of 12mm ply. 

Neither the sink or the hob came with any kind of template for what hole you have to cut, which I found rather ridiculous!! It made it very difficult to trace round the edge and then measure in whatever you needed to, in order to reach the lip that slots in the hole!!! Crap instructions!!
After a lot of swearing and constant adjustments, I managed to get them both cut out and test fit both appliances. To say I'm happy, is an understatement. It is really starting to come on now. I also fitted one of the cupboard doors: